Sunday, July 11, 2010

How to read twilight

I read twilight about a year back, and i really enjoyed it. Seriously. And it was really perplexing to see so many of my friends ridiculing it utterly. These guys have tastes very similar to mine, so i had absolutely no clue why they hated the book so much. After a while it dawned on me that they probably didn’t read it the way I did. This post shows how I read twilight and why i enjoyed it so much.

It starts with a girl who apparently looks like a mouse but is called swan. The first three chapters was about how she moved to a new school, I've moved to many new schools, so it was nothing new to me so i finished that part in about 5 minutes. Then all of a sudden there were vampires!! It was pretty cool because one of them could see the future and one could hear thoughts. The book was getting promising.

In the next few chapters one of the vampires kept coming, but he didn't kill anyone and wasn't hearing the girl's thoughts(In one of the later books I realized he actually couldn't hear her thoughts, but it didn't affect the core plot of this book) So i directly moved to the parts with more vampires. There was one about an old vampire's history. He was apparently everyone's dad and was supposed to be very white, very blonde, and yet good looking (I was able to make a mental picture of him, but only after rejecting the 'good looking' part, a small permissible mistake by the author) That part was pretty interesting as it had italy in it and vampires killing people and how this guy a was wuss for killing only animals (His whole family ate only animals, which explained why the mouse girl was hanging out with them. Also somewhere in between i caught that she was now the mind reader's girlfriend. Again pretty low on the relevance scale).

After that chapter the book became from ok to pretty good. Somehow there was this only vampire baseball game that was organised, and there were other new vampires. These ones killed people and one wanted to eat mouse girl. From then on there was a chase sequence, and vampires shaking of other vampires, the attacker vampire trying to eat mouse girl a fight sequence. It all happened pretty fast and the thing was written so well that I didn't have to actually read word to word to get a good picture of the whole scene.

Finally there was one very cool part about the future reader's past and how she was related to one of the new vampires. It confirmed my suspicion that she was the protagonist and suggested something about the future stories. It was a pretty good way to pass a couple of hours.

Later I realized the rest of the novels were equally entertaining and I may post something on them too.

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